Quinn Groundworks & Construction Limited have completed a wide spectrum of contracts including large earthworks, attenuation tanks, infrastructure S38 & S106 works and S278 & RC basements/Concrete Frames.
Attenuation Tank & Soakaways
We have successfully installed attenuation tanks and soakaways for various projects such as; Finedon Polypipe XL system for x50 units, x3 Large attenuation tanks including flow control manholes at Luton for x51 units and a shared permeable road where the attenuation tanks are located for x50 units at Bushey.
Our works include the excavation, disposal, installation and backfill elements including earthwork support and testing.
We have completed a wide range of foundation solutions such as; mass pour foundation’s, ground beams & pile caps (which include the piling attendance), working platforms, pile cropping and raft reinforced slabs which are usually tied into padstones or ground beams. These types of foundation works require accuracy, strict testing requirements and the upmost skill.
Quinn Groundworks carry out drainage works from 100mm diameter pipe (up to 3m in diameter) to a depth of up to 6m to invert. These works are carried out using the latest and safest earthwork support system’s required for the depth of the works. The drainage materials we install vary from UPVC plastics to Clay or concrete depending on the project and adoption guidelines set by local authorities.
Hard Landscaping
Most of our contracts entail an element of hard landscaping when the sub-structure, drainage and services are installed. We have successfully completed works in town centres such as Stevenage, where we installed 3000m2 of Charcon Vianova paving which was made to order as per our clients specifications. This was installed in phases to accommodate our clients requested build sequence and the project also included installing 600m of Charcon Countryside kerbs, installation of street furniture, removal of existing hardstanding’s, excavation and preparation.
We completed a large external package at Hatfield town centre where we were tasked to remove existing hard standings and planters and subsequently install attenuation tanks, drainage and 'made to paving' from Marshalls & Charcon to an architectural design specification.
The project included all logistics and managing a daily interface with the general public to enable the works to be completed. Our cleint commented on how well we had project managed the works and all parties were extremly pleased with both the works and the final outcome.
- Attenuation Tanks & Soakaways
- Foundations
- Drainage
- Hard Landscaping